Samstag, 24. November 2018

Christmas Launch Meeting 2018

Hello C++ Followers,

a successful year for C++ and for our local usergroup has passed.
Let us celebrate this in a cozy get-together, without the pressure of a talk.
voice INTER connect will generously sponsor us a warm and dry location and provide us with some seasonal drinks - say Glühwein (hot wine punch) and more…

Wating for Santa (CC BY 2.0)
Feel free to share your C++ experiences of the year. May there be some personal highlights, your favorite new book, talk from Meeting C++ or a video CppCon or other conferences.
You may also get inspired to give your first talk at our usergroup in 2019.

Date: Thursday, 13. December 2018
Start: 19:00
End: 21:30
Place: voice INTER connect GmbH, Ammonstraße 35, 01067 Dresden (follow the signs)


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018

November Talk: René Richter "any optional variant: C++17 vocabulary types"

Hello lifelong C++ Learners,

René Richter will give his talk at our traditional location the Wu5 student club for our November meetup.
He will answer the questions:
"How did we get there and how to use them?"

Every programming languange comes with a system for data and types, static or dynamic, strict or relaxed.
To understand where we did come from might affect our ability to go on in with modern C++.
In 2017 optional<T>, variant<Ts...> and any were introduced.
The (short) presentation is intended to start a discussion around:
  • How do these vocabulary types fit into the type system? 
  • Is the type system now complete? 
  • What about the proposed Expected<T,E> and other ways to return function results / exceptions in future versions of C++? 
Please feel invited to join the discussion afterwards.

Date: Thursday, 8. November 2018
Start: 20:00
End: 22:00
Place: Studentenclub Wu5, August-Bebel-Straße 12, 01219 Dresden


Please think about giving your first or next talk in 2019!
If you need ideas, talk to me!

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2018

October Talk: Steffen Liebergeld "Introduction to the L4Re Operating System"

Hello C++ Conqueror,

For our October meetup, we were able to convince Kernkonzept to introduce us to their L4Re operating system.
Steffen will tell us how they bring the complexity of modern systems under control with their take to overhaul the traditional system design.

L4Re is an operating system capable of isolating mission critical software components. It builds on years of research done at TU Dresden and is now being developed by Kernkonzept. L4Re is already used in domains with high security demands.In this talk I will give you a high level introduction into L4Re. You will learn about its properties and some real-world applications.

Date: Thursday, 25. October 2018
Start: 19:00
End: 21:30
Place: Check24 Dresden, Prager Str. 3, 01069 Dresden (5th floor, follow the signs)

Check24 Route:
Please invite all the C++ and operating system friends you know or meet!


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:
  • René Richter "C++17 vocabulary types"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Montag, 13. August 2018

September Talk: Andreas Reischuck "Coroutine TS: A new way of thinking"

Hello There,

Since nobody claimed the September talk slot, I will step in myself and introduce you to the magic of Co-Routines in C++.
We meet in the nice lecture room of the SLUB library.

CoRoutines are different. They allow us to build abstractions that were impossible before. Basically the Coroutine-TS introduced a new type of flow composition to C++.
The main driver for the introduction of CoRoutines for C++ are asynchronous compositions. But there is so much more. It took me a while to realize how well thought out this TS is. Therefore I will try to share my conclusions with you.
Date: Thursday, 13. September 2018
Start: 19:30
End: 21:30
Place: SLUB Dresden, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden

Indoor map:

Please invite anyone who may be interested.


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:
  • Steffen Liebergeld "L4Re Mikrokernel"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2018

August Talk: Pietro Incardona "OpenFPM a scalable framework for particle and mesh methods"

Hello Programmers,

For August we get another interesting talk for the C++ usergroup.
Pietro will introduce us to the world of OpenFPM at Check24.

Numerical simulations are of increasing importance in all areas of science and technology. However, efficiently implementing them on our heterogeneous, distributed hardware systems is a huge bottleneck. Here, we present OpenFPM, an open and scalable framework that provides an abstraction layer for numerical simulations using particles and/or meshes. We present the architecture and design of OpenFPM, detail the underlying abstractions, and benchmark the framework in various applications.
Date: Thursday, 9. August 2018
Start: 19:00
End: 21:30
Place: Check24 Dresden, Prager Str. 3, 01069 Dresden (5th floor, follow the signs)

Check24 Route:

Please invite all the C++ and numerical simulating friends you know or meet!


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2018

July Talk: Andreas Reischuck "Rethinking programming languages"

Hello Programmers,

Since nobody claimed the July talk slot, I will step in myself.
We meet in the nice air conditioned lecture room of the SLUB.

For 3 years I have been working on the Rebuild Language project in my spare time.
The aim is simply to find and build the perfect system programming language.
It should help us express our intends better and produce faster code than C, C++ or Rust.
We have evaluated a lot of revolutionary ideas. Most are not worth pursuing, but some look very promising.
I will present you the latest set of ideas, the implementations and hope for a vivid discussion.
Date: Thursday, 12. July 2018
Start: 19:30
End: 21:30
Place: SLUB Dresden, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden

Indoor map:

Please invite anyone who may be interested.


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:

  • Pietro "OpenFPM"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2018

Juni Talk Peter Steinbach: "Using C++ from Python - a talk from the trenches"

Hello C++ Fellows,

For our Juni meetup Check24 is sponsoring the central location next to Dresden main train station and some pizza again. This time we will start off with the pizza eating at 19:00. At 19:30 Peter Steinbach will talk about Python and C++.

Peter Steinbach
Today's IT world is polyglot. Every domain, be it methodologies or disciplines of science, industry or culture, has their own programming language at heart where most of the knowledge and progress is made persistent. As time goes by, preferences change, but the expertise should be retained at minimal cost. This talk discusses techniques to build such a bridge between python and C++. I'll present my experiences in an open-source project and try to explore the technical details behind the scenes. I'll finish the presentation with a live demo if time allows.
After the talk he is ready to answer your questions.

Date: Tuesday, 12. Juni 2018
Start: 19:00
End: 21:30
Place: Check24 Dresden, Prager Str. 3, 01069 Dresden (5th floor, follow the signs)
Reserve a seat:

Check24 Route:

Please invite all the C++ peers you know or meet!


Please support our group by joining our official meetup group at

Upcoming Queue:

  • Pietro "OpenFPM"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Sonntag, 15. April 2018

May Talk: "Capture the Flag - Learning Security by Example" by Mal

Hello Everybody,

In May we have to leave our regular schedule and return to the SLUB once more.
Mal has agreed to give us some insights into security hacking.

Capture the Flag (CTF) is a kind of IT security competition and it offers an accessible practical
introduction to this field. The goal of such a competition is to gather points by solving tasks
and obtaining a flag as a proof. Tasks typically belong to a certain category such as Binary
Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Web or Cryptography. The harder the task is, the more points it
is worth.
This talk starts by providing a short overview of CTF.
After that, a typical Binary Exploitation task gets analyzed and solved.
Finally, an exploit will be developed for a recent real world bug.

Date: Wednesday, 23. May 2018
Start: 19:30
End: 21:30
Place: SLUB Dresden, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden

Please invite all the C++ peers around you!


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:

  • Peter Steinbach "Modern Python Bindings"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Samstag, 24. März 2018

April Vortrag: Jessica Parth „Performante Datenverarbeitung von großen Reisedaten.“

Hello C++ Developers,

CHECK24 wird unser April Meetup hosten. Jessica Parth hält einen Vortrag mit folgendem Inhalt.

CHECK24 stellt sich und ihr Dresdner Projekt vor. Es gibt eine kurze Einführung in den Reisemarkt und dann schauen wir uns die Technik dahinter an. Der offene touristische Datenstandard basiert auf XML und bildet die Daten-Grundlage. Pro Anbieter müssen täglich 100+ GB Daten verarbeitet werden. In ein paar hundert Millisekunden müssen aus 10+ Millionen Flügen und 10+ Tausend Zimmern die richtigen Paare gefunden werden, dazu bestimmen bis zu 25.000 Regeln pro Flug und Zimmer den Preis. Welche weiteren Herausforderungen ergeben sich noch? Wir stellen unsere Lösung und Systemlandschaft dafür vor.
Der Vortrag wird in deutsch gehalten. Für Essen und Getränke wird gesorgt.

Die Eckdaten:

Termin: Donnerstag, 12. April 2018
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
Ende: Offen
Ort: Check24 Dresden, Prager Str. 3, 01069 Dresden (5. Etage, Schildern folgen)
Anmeldung über Meetup


Bis dahin genießt den Schnee und ein bugfreies Osterfest!
Andreas Reischuck

Die nächsten Vorträge:
  • Maik "Capture the Flag - Hacking for Fun"
  • Peter Steinbach "Modern Python Bindings"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2018

March Talk: Andreas Schau "CFUN - Reactive programming in C++"


In March the SLUB Dresden is hosting our meetup. We start half an hour earlier. For the first time we will have a very C++ specific talk there.

Andreas Schau will talk about the results of his master thesis.

Signals & Slots, Property Bindings, Graph based algorithms have many implementations and use cases. This master thesis presents and analyses different approaches for performance characteristics and development efforts.

After the talk he is ready to answer all your questions.

Date: Thursday, 8. March 2018
Start: 19:30
End: 21:30
Place: SLUB Dresden, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden

Please invite all the C++ peers around you!


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:
  • Peter Steinbach "Modern Python Bindings"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!

Mittwoch, 24. Januar 2018

February Sessions: "REPL" Jörg Thalheim and "types & values" Andreas Reischuck

Hello C++ Fellows,

In February we try something new by hosting two sessions in one meetup.

Jörg Thalheim will kick of the meetup with a remote presentation.
He introduces his new drop-in REPL inspector for C++ to us.

Just add a line of into your C++ code, compile and run it.
When the new line is executed an interactive REPL is started.
You can use this to execute arbitrary c++ code with access to the current program state.

Andreas Reischuck will take over the stage for our second session.
He plays around with new concepts for types and values in C++17.

C++17 allows for some ways to handle types and values at compile time.
I will introduce these new patterns to you and show some possible use cases.
This session involves a large portion of interactive live coding.
Both sessions will allow you to ask questions.

Date: Thursday, 8. February 2018
Start: 20:00
End: 21:30 (continued discussions with a beer)
Place: Studentenclub Wu5, August-Bebel-Straße 12, 01219 Dresden

Please invite all the C++ peers around you!


Please support the meetup by joining our group at

Upcoming Queue:

  • Peter Steinbach "Modern Python Bindings"
  • Andreas Schau "Investigation into Property Bindings"
  • Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
  • Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
  • Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
  • … Please talk to me for your proposal!