Dienstag, 14. Januar 2020

February Talk: Jupp Mueller "High performance metrics instrumentation using prometheus-cpp"

Happy new year to everybody!

Fortunately, Jupp stepped in with a talk for our February meetup.
He introduce us to performance metrics in production services written with C++.
LogMeIn will host our meetup and provide food and drinks.
Gaining visibility into what happens in programs and collecting metrics is vital for ensuring software behaves as expected in the field. In this talk I'll present the open source prometheus-cpp library, which allows live collection of numeric time series data from inside your program and show how it is used at LogMeIn to gain insights into audio conferencing infrastructure with billions of audio minutes every month
Date: Wednesday, 19. February 2020
Start: 19:00
End: 22:00
Place: LogMeIn Germany GmbH, Ostra-Allee 9, 01067 Dresden


PS. Please talk to me about your talk proposals.