Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2019

October Special: Stefan Rohe "D Practical Experience Report"

Hello again,

We will have a second surprise meetup in October!
Stefan Rohe - The first commercial D programmer comes to Dresden and will talk about his experience.
Valtech Mobility GmbH will host this special meetup and provide pizza and beer.
D is used since 2008 in production code. The first users have been in Munich and Berlin. We will highlight our experience and compare them to the Berlin experiences. What pitfalls are there? Where does D excel? What changed within the years? What did we learn? How do we use D now?
I hope for a fruitful and productive discussion after Stefan's presentation.

Date: Monday, 28. October 2019
Start: 19:00
End: 21:30
Place: Valtech Mobility GmbH, An der Pikardie 8, 01277 Dresden

Please invite everybody who might be interested to the experience with a different programming languages.


Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019

November Talk: Georg Bannasch "Expressive functional C++"


LogMeIn will host our meetup again in November.
After the last meeting in July I got a lot of positive feedback for the delicious food, the drinks and the good talk.
This time Georg will tell us how he uses functional concepts to write better code.
Functional programming offers great concepts to write expressive code. In this talk I want to present a few (mostly very basic) functional techniques that are easily applicable in C++. I will discuss their advantages based on hands-on coding examples with a special focus on how they can make C++ code more expressive and succinct.

We hope you will find some time for a productive discussion session after the talk.

Date: Thursday, 14. November 2019
Start: 19:00
End: 22:00
Place: LogMeIn Germany GmbH, Ostra-Allee 9, 01067 Dresden


PS. For next year we have a lot of talk slots available for your talk proposals.