In May we have to leave our regular schedule and return to the SLUB once more.
Mal has agreed to give us some insights into security hacking.
Capture the Flag (CTF) is a kind of IT security competition and it offers an accessible practical
introduction to this field. The goal of such a competition is to gather points by solving tasks
and obtaining a flag as a proof. Tasks typically belong to a certain category such as Binary
Exploitation, Reverse Engineering, Web or Cryptography. The harder the task is, the more points it
is worth.
This talk starts by providing a short overview of CTF.
After that, a typical Binary Exploitation task gets analyzed and solved.
Finally, an exploit will be developed for a recent real world bug.
Date: Wednesday, 23. May 2018
Start: 19:30
End: 21:30
Place: SLUB Dresden, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden
Please invite all the C++ peers around you!
Please support the meetup by joining our group at
Upcoming Queue:
- Peter Steinbach "Modern Python Bindings"
- Christoph Fehling "Qt Handwerker"
- Maik Lathan "Intro to the Qbs Build System"
- Andreas Reischuck "State of the Rebuild Language Project"
- … Please talk to me for your proposal!